If he sits at the negotiating table, he can get back a lot of things in various ways, and the interests of the Indian Union District will take up, so he can also get some benefits.

It’s a pity that it’s too late to say anything now
He shrank his head at that time, and now he wants to pick peaches again.
If this were the moon, he would have the cheek to lick his face and sit at the negotiating table.
But now the negotiations on Mars are going on. No matter how thick-skinned he is and how long his hands are, he can reach out from the moon to Mars!
"Ah …"
Is this that people are not as good as the sky?
Eventually Evie’s eyes fell on an intelligence document in front of him.
There are two words on the cover of intelligence materials-Xu tui!
He has been able to confirm that the loss of the treasure in the event of the Sun Temple being slaughtered is most likely this one.
Today, he has a clear understanding of the strength of this Xu retreat after he personally met with Huo Ying.
If this foundation is pushed backwards, it is possible to do this if the genetic mutation environment is allowed to retreat.
This just explains why the enemy is poisoned by what he wants.
Strength is not poisonous enough to gather together.
At the same time, it also explains why no suspicious target has been found for so long.
Because the real killers have been excluded by themselves because of their strength.
It is now that Xu retires. If he wants to start work, he must be more secretive and plan more weeks.
Cai Shaochu, a genetic miracle man, is half a student, and the owner of the B-level intermediate individual is the head of the Tongtian Special Operations Group.
Some headaches!
Evie estimates that the ordinary transmutation environment may not be able to cope with Xu’s retreat, and he must be allowed to be a star-strong, so he can clean up this Xu’s retreat himself!
This opportunity is not easy to find!
Of course, it is also a good thing for Evie to find the real murderer of the Sun Temple incident.
There is still a possibility of further promotion if we want to find the treasure lost in the Sun Temple and put it back there for a long time to collect its strength.
It just takes a little longer.
It’s a dark flower
At the same time, Mars crater base
The strong quasi-star in Huaxia District directly brought Xu back to the crater Mars base in Huaxia District.
After arriving at the crater Mars base, Xu retired and contacted Zhouchuan for a week. After confirming that Zhouchuan had settled down, he immediately applied to see Gaisheng, commander of the crater Mars base.
Xu tui is now a military celebrity, plus the B-level personal intermediate limit, so I met the commander Gai Shenggai smoothly.
Seeing Xu retreat for the first time is a great thank you.
On behalf of the military, thank you formally
But the absolute method of war damage estimation
Two or three thousand more people may die, and many more.
Similarly, the action of withdrawing from the crater Mars base to rescue Fort No.3 also played a key role.
Significance and value method to measure!
Xu tui accepted this thank you. After a few breaths of silence, he suddenly said, "Mr. Gai, I came to you for help."
"Don’t ask for the word’ help’. Just say that we can do it and we will do it." Military friends have to gain their recognition. That’s it, honest and frank
"Help me check the current location information of a practitioner named Nadella’s genetic evolution environment. It shows that they left the Mars base in the non-linked area an hour ago to participate in the pursuit of the Eldar army." Xu said.
"Man Mars?"
"We can find people on Mars, but now many communication facilities are damaged, and when it is needed," Gaisheng said.
"I can wait, but I hope not until the war is over."
"It won’t be that long for a few hours," said Gaisheng hesitantly. "By the way, can I ask if you are looking for this Nadella …"
"It’s okay to tell you, but you still don’t know," Xu said.
Gaisheng understands.
"Well, I won’t ask, but if you have any difficulties, you can tell me that it’s not necessary to worry too much about discipline.
Anything can happen on the battlefield.
And our warrior discipline in Huaxia District is aimed at our own people in Huaxia District. "
"Thank you!"
"I’m a stranger. Don’t thank me!"
Then Xu retired and ate a big meal at the crater Mars base. He found a quiet dormitory and fell asleep.
He needs to rest
After two and a half hours, Xu tui was woken up by a major.
"Report chief teachers asked me to send you a document. He said you wanted something here.
And the teacher said that if you need anything else, just tell me! He won’t be able to come over if he is busy. "
"Give me a Skyfighter."