However, although he is a nobleman among the Amish, not every nobleman can enjoy real power.

He was sent to the fortress of Manyo planet to be the guarding commander.
In name, the commanders guarding a region including the Mya Ministry are all real senior officers.
But there is still a difference.
In some places, the garrison commanders probably have more than a dozen star-rated planetary guards, tens of millions of fortresses and hundreds of thousands of slaves and civilians.
In some places, the commander, like Derry, is stationed in the distribution department of Manyo’s cosmic fortress, with 15 people.
Count him, there are sixteen!
What kind of power can be generated among the sixteen meditation groups, most of which are evolutionary and a small number of transmutations?
There are 1000 civilians and slaves who are normally rationed to the fortress to maintain defense.
And there are less than 300 people now.
They killed it all.
These 300 people wouldn’t have much left if they didn’t need someone to take care of their daily lives.
It’s really too much talking.
Manyo planet universe fortress is called silent universe fortress.
Not to mention the enemy, even our own people rarely come here.
Stay here, Derek. This quasi-planet feels moldy.
But what can I do? He can stay here, and he has no ability and no possibility to jump out of here.
Can live a drunken life with existing conditions.
In Tabu, the alert was touched, and suddenly a stranger broke in, which made them a little dull, some accidents and some … surprises!
It was Derek who was surprised by the sudden appearance of Xu tui, and then a surprise appeared in his heart.
There are no more accidents. Rui estimates that he may die of obesity, although he has eaten as fat as a farmed animal now.
Although it was a surprise, it still made Derry’s reaction a little slow all the year round.
Before he could move a hill, he suddenly appeared above their heads.
Xu tui shan zi yin!
Xu retreat to one mountain and blast these guys to death.
But when the mountain seal appeared, Xu retreated and suddenly moved.
In the sight of these guys, their combat power is very weak
Apart from leading the quasi-planet, what’s its evolution and evolution? It’s not worth mentioning here at all.
In an instant, the mountain seal hung a little above the water, and it was allowed to retreat and the pop-up was cold.
Ice seal!
Derry, who had just attacked by conation for a moment, turned into an icy lump, and the freezing cold instantly made him wake up and feel the death threat!