"What are you doing here? Go, go, go, go. Adults don’t have a say in your children! Don’t hurry back! " At the sight of Lian Fangzhou and Lian Ze, Joe’s immediately pulled his face and scolded his elders for putting on a show.

Even made the chance over there. "Then it’s a date! We will go first! "
In this way, things are certain! Lian Li couldn’t help praising Lian Yizhou’s brothers and sisters in his heart for their timely and good arrival!
Even Fangzhou didn’t go over as they wanted, stretched out his arms and stopped them. "Uncle, aunt, how can you leave before things are finished?"
Lian Li didn’t expect Lian Fangzhou to dare to do this to his face in someone else’s house. "What are you doing?" No rules and no distance! "
"Don’t get out of the way! There are no elders in your eyes! You’ve lost all your face! " Joe’s also scold a way
The two men said that they were about to break into Lianze, but they tightened the door first and kept themselves there.
Lian Fangzhou first took a look at Joe’s and said, "Aunt, my parents are gone. My second house is my master. I’m not a child. Don’t talk about me in this tone. I feel weird!" And to even made a way "big uncle in a hurry to go? Are you afraid or guilty? "
Scott listened to his eyes and said, "Fang Zhou, your great uncle just said that he would go with you to burn charcoal, and he said it was what you meant! You come just by the way to ask you a "
Thank you for your reward. Chapter 64 Want a piece of the action (3)
When I heard Lian Li say that, Scott was so distressed that he dug his own flesh and caught the opportunity. How could he not make sense?
Even made a little guilty at once and wanted to press Fangzhou’s brother and sister in imposing manner, then gave Fangzhou a hard stare and warned, "Fangzhou is a little measured in an outsider’s home. What should you say and what not to say! Who do you want to rely on in the future? "
Even fangzhou consumedly square way "big uncle I always want to very clearly! After that, we rely on nobody but ourselves! Is it true what Mrs. Zhao just said, uncle? Why don’t I remember when I said this to my uncle? "
Lian Li’s face suddenly turned red. "Although it’s not like this, we heard that’s what you mean!"
Joe’s busy also nodded "yes! If you have spoken yourself, you should not deny it! "
Even fangzhou service road "that may be that you will be wrong. I never meant it!" This is Li Shuhui’s skill. How can you easily take people with you? There is no such thing as talking in Shili Township! If we didn’t want to take care of us, and we were young, we wouldn’t take us! Is it difficult for the big uncle to say this because he wants to steal others’ technology? "
"What are you talking about! I don’t think so! " In front of outsiders, I was suddenly stabbed by Fangzhou and immediately became angry from embarrassment.
"Oh, that may be I will be wrong! I knew my uncle didn’t mean it! " Lian Fangzhou smiled faintly. "I will accompany my uncle!" Say never put off till tomorrow what you can slightly bent down.
Joe’s also scold a way "the somebody else Li Guren didn’t say what you jump out to yell? I have never seen you so shameless! "
Zhao quickly interjected, "Your uncle said he would take good care of you then!"
Even Fangzhou ignored Joe’s polite way to Li Shu. "Li Shu, we are not so delicate and don’t need to be looked after! This is what you should do with the technology you have learned. You and Aunt Zhang have always taken care of us. We all know in our hearts that if this happens, we will not be able to face us! "
Li Shu still have what not white to even stand polite way "presumably is a misunderstanding! Well, I wish I could talk about it! Don’t worry, we will take good care of Fangzhou and they won’t let them get tired! After all, it’s all village folks … "
Li Shu took the initiative to send the steps to Lian Li. After all, they are even brothers, sisters and elders in Fangzhou, and they don’t want to get too stiff.
Who knows Qiao’s ungrateful but anxious, "Brother Li, how can you do this? You are not authentic!"
Scott fire unbearable way "Joe aunts my dad promised? It’s all you talking to yourself! This is hard to learn. Can technology be shown to people casually? "
"Mei!" Aunt Zhang gently reprimanded Zhao’s sentence and smiled at Qiao’s. "My daughter-in-law is just a quick talker. Don’t be annoyed by her aunt!"
It’s wrong to say it’s not pleasant to hear, but not to say it.
"Since the somebody else ungrateful when we fuss about white! Let’s go Don’t be annoying here. The younger generation doesn’t feel sorry for my brothers and sisters like the younger generation. Good children have grown up like this! " Lian Li sighed as he left, but he didn’t forget to step on Fang Zhou’s foot and even Li Shu’s aunt Zhang was involved.
"Don’t come to our family when you eat something in the future! Even if you ask for it, you can’t top it! " Joe’s bold stare at their brother and sister also went.
Li Shu, Zhang Auntie and Li Sanhe looked at each other and Zhao spat softly and muttered, "Who are these people?" See aunt Zhang glared at Zhao and said, "Mom, I said the same thing when you glared at me!"
In a word, even Fangzhou laughed and the atmosphere in the room was relaxed.
"It’s all my fault. I didn’t expect them to say hello to my uncles and aunts before they made such a scene!" Lian Fangzhou made an apology with a smile.
"Don’t say that!" Aunt Zhang held her hand and smiled and sighed, "Alas, this is really …"
Li Shu is a little guilty. "Is it your elders or is this one of them?"
"Li Shu! You mustn’t say that! " Even fangzhou shook his head and said flatly, "you are all people who know the root of the matter. I’m not afraid to say anything about our family!" Who is my uncle and aunt? Never help us at all. If we are bullied, they are the first! If we put up with it this time, they will be more and more satisfied, and they may not be able to push their luck in the future! Besides, it’s not like they can’t get by and wait for money to help! "
Aunt Zhang sighed gently again and said, "It’s really hard for you!"
Even Fang Zhou smiled and said, "What’s so hard for us? We can still live well without them! Their troubles in coming to us are limited, and they are forced to go out and see how their elders face! "
"Somehow you are a family! Don’t go that far! " Great aunt Zhang busy way
Even ze service road "aunt zhang when they take us as a family! In the past, my parents used to put out their elder brothers’ racks and let them help them with their work. Now we are the only ones left, but how can they be polite if they can take advantage! "
Great aunt Zhang said, "If you can endure common things, you can endure them. If you can’t endure things, you have to give a full account of the reasons. They are elders. It’s not good to say! In the end, it’s you who suffer! Don’t just return this name. If someone breaks it, that’s terrible! Your brother and sister’s marriage will be affected in the future, and Cher, didn’t you say you were going to let him go to school? "
Even fangzhou felt a burst of force. It was such trouble in ancient times! At the same time, she also secretly gives birth to vigilance. She is not a native. Maybe she will not pay attention if she is not careful!
Then nodded. "I remember! Thank you for waking up! "
Even ze nodded his thanks.
Li Shu service road "line it so forget it! I understand what you mean, as long as I don’t let go! "
"Thank you for your trouble!" Even fangzhou grateful laughed
Li Shu gave a smile "it’s nothing! If you hadn’t thought about us, we wouldn’t have earned this money! If you need any help in the future, don’t hesitate to ask! "
Lian Fangzhou and Lian Ze promised to come and said a few words of gossip before leaving.
As soon as they got back, Third Aunt asked how it was. Even fangzhou said "it’s all right" and told them that it’s all right to stay away from those two so as not to be countered by them.
Lian Fangqing is a naughty girl of the same age, but Lian Che is very stable. Even Fang Zhou told Lian Che, "Watch Sisi!"
Even che "well" nodded, even Fang Qing blinked and mixed a ghost. 65 There is a big announcement in Chapter 65 (1)
The weather is not cold. This time, all the burnt charcoal parts are piled up in the Li family’s sundries shed. I plan to wait for a while before selling them. While the weather is fine, everyone will continue to burn charcoal with all their strength.
On this day, even Fang Zhou met Zhang Lizheng’s daughter-in-law Niushi on the road. Even Fang Zhou smiled and greeted Niushi. She smiled and said a few words that they and Li Jia were very envious and faintly sour.
This Niu Shi is a high-minded and greedy woman. She is a village official’s daughter-in-law who doesn’t take advantage of others. It’s just a handful of garlic and two onions or something that is good to break first. Looking at the front, she complains secretly. No one cares about her seriously.
Even Fang Zhou was embarrassed to smile when she heard her words. "In fact, it’s just that Li Shu and Aunt Zhang saw our poor help. How much strength can we have to say that we are partners or not?" But I did pick up a lot of broken charcoal and I couldn’t sell it at home. Aunt Niu, if you don’t dislike it, why don’t you send some back to your home? It’s all good charcoal. You can burn the stove in winter! "
NiuShi a listen to face suddenly burst into laughter, eyes flashing up mouth but laughed "oh that how not bashful! That broken charcoal is also charcoal! Still can burn! "
"A lot! We’re not finished anyway! Anyway, it is also necessary to give someone a gift. Who is not a gift? " Lian Fangzhou decided, "I’ll take you home in the afternoon!"
"Ha ha! Look at you, this girl is really talking more and more! What can I say if you say so! " Niu smiled and thought for a moment, then said, "I’m afraid there is no one in my family in the afternoon. You can deliver it after dinner!"
Niu’s grandson is only half a year old. How can no one be at home? Even Fang Zhou just thought about it and understood Niu’s concern about his brothers and sisters. Niu’s fear of taking his own things and being said something unpleasant is that he is turning a corner to imply that he will go after dark!
Nowadays, no later than summer, few people go out.
"ok!" She nodded happily and smiled. "I have to wash dishes and clean up the house after dinner. It may be a little late!"
"It’s okay that’s ok! Our family stays up late! Xiao Sun is noisy! " NiuShi a listen to the bosom more happy.

Exhausting the orcs is like a huge green wave roaring through every long street in Stormwind. Although the storm car guards fought bravely, it is a pity that every line of defense in front of the orc infantry is almost like paper, and it is not immediately crushed to dust by the orc frenzy.

Tall and stronger than the orcs, they made terrible earthquakes one after another. Trade areas, mage areas, storm fortresses … All buildings were easily destroyed and collapsed like dominoes. All human beings were either captured by orcs or sacrificed with Stormwind.
All land routes have been heavily blocked by the orc army, and the only lifeline left in the whole storm kingdom is the ocean.
Kurras, the seven kingdoms of mankind and the sea kingdom, sent a huge fleet to help the storm kingdom evacuate its citizens and troops, but the evacuation speed has been increasing due to the narrow pier.
This is the first catastrophe in the history of human beings in Azeroth for thousands of years-just because of a bad pier.
After the second reconstruction of Stormwind, Stormwind has a huge military and civilian port-Stormwind Port!
However, at this moment, this is a fisherman’s wharf that can hardly mark the city map.
Duke was disappointed.
Don’t say that he can get the boat for a while, even if he does, it’s not because the dock is too small, and it’s also a trouble for him to get too many boats.
What do you want a little mage to make a fleet that is more exaggerated than the royal fleet?
There must be a suitable reason!
Duke quickly adjust his plan in his mind.
"go! Go to the shipyard first. "
With a doubt, Wendell Duke came to the small shipyard next to Stormwind Pier.
The shipyard is not big.
A hunchback old man who was naked and showed no signs of aging was stunned for several seconds when he saw Duke coming.
After all, it is absolutely rare to combine a young mage in a mage robe, a young mage with a formal mage emblem and a young knight in uniform.
"Good morning, dear Mage Pavilion. What can I do for Jackson?"
"How big a ship can you build here? I mean the biggest." Duke pointed straight to the royal fleet in the dock. "Can you build that big?"
Old Jackson stared blankly for a moment and immediately smiled bitterly. "How is it possible that even the warships of Storm Kingdom are ordered from Kurras, and we can build dozens of tons of offshore fishing boats or cargo ships here?"
"That’s good! I want ten! " Duke made a decision on the spot
When he appeared, he was dumbfounded. It was not only old Jackson who was dumbfounded to follow Windsol.
"Wait!" Windsor almost dragged Duke out of the shipyard to a deserted place.
"Marcus Pavilion money is a way for you and me to ask you how to make money, but if you are going to build a ship and make an investment, even if I am a standby knight who is dedicated to practicing martial arts, I will warn you that you will lose!"
"oh? !” Duke had an intriguing expression on his face. "What makes you say that?"
I know that you need a lot of money to study as a mage, and I also know that most of the existing money-making industries in Storm City have been occupied by nobles, but you can’t wave the money. Wendell waved his arms exaggeratedly, and he expressed the seriousness of this matter to the utmost body language.
"Go on."
"Only the poor are willing to eat fishy and smelly fish. The nobles don’t eat this. It’s also meaningless to build dozens of tons of small cargo ships. This boat can go to the offshore without even a decent town. Who are you going to sell the goods to? If you want to get out of this offshore area, there will be damn Naga fish people everywhere. "
Duke still smiled without a word.
Windsol became more and more anxious. "It’s not the fact that no merchant ships will come. It’s also the fact that once a year, the Kurras merchant fleet will come to dock or the military port. They will dump those places where Lordaeron goods can’t be sold to Stormwind nobles."
Duke a listen to suddenly a little enlightenment.
At this moment, the kingdom of Storm is still a lonely place in the eyes of the nobles of the major human kingdoms in the mainland. If it were not for all kinds of invasions in later generations and the undead scourge corps, the kingdom of Storm in the north of the city was almost destroyed. Who would have predicted that the kingdom of Storm would be the most powerful and safe place for human beings?
"Duke! Listen to me, unless you can earn the aristocratic money, you can’t do any sideline business to meet the money you need for practicing magic. This is why so many wizards become court wizards or aristocratic exclusive wizards … "
Duke suddenly smiled. He smiled brightly. "Wendell, why don’t we make a bet?"
"Still gambling? You are dying. "
"Whether I need a lot of money for personal cultivation or extension, then bet on whether I can earn five gold coins in three months. If I can’t earn it, then prove my level and that’s it. I will let you go back to Lothar and be your knight alternate."
Windsor suddenly had a bad feeling, "What if you win?"
"First of all, I’ll call you Reggie later. Your name is too long and too troublesome."
"Then you will hang out with me, and I will tell you who is the kingdom of storm and hope for the future."
Chapter 34 Wild West! I’m coming.
"Old Jackson still said that I want ten pieces to meet the standards of offshore transportation and fishing. When can I get the boat?"
Duke’s remark startled old Jackson.
I didn’t expect this young mage who seems to have never seen the world to really build a ship.
Don’t send money to the door for nothing.
Old Jackson sighed, "I don’t have that much material here. I have five new ship keels. If I have more, I will spend time looking for materials. If you want five new 3-ton ships, I can guarantee the quality and drive them out for you in a month. Each one costs 5 gold coins."
3 tons of ship is also very small, which is 15 meters long and more than 3 meters wide, just a little bigger than the sampan.
"Ok, that’s settled. Here’s the deposit." Then Duke immediately took out his early Rosa and gave him a gold coin.
"This ….. not so much is the mage pavilion. If you ask us, we will receive a ten percent deposit."
"Then you can help me recruit some sailors."
Old Jackson’s face was full of hesitation, and he bit his lip. He finally said, "I have nothing to do at the dock. I help you recruit people. They are all good guys. Although they are good at water and sex, they are not sailors. I promise you to let them do high-risk business."
Duke smiled smartly. "It’s nothing but fishing and transporting some respectable goods. On the contrary, I hope to attract young people to clean their hands and feet. If I find out who dares to hide some goods …"
【 Calm and carefree 】
[Inflammation and explosion]
In this way, a fireball of a water tank instantly flew out from Duke’s hand and crashed into the sea near the shipyard.
With a loud bang, a big water column exploded.
Next to Wendell Sol, the whole person is petrified-dare Duke leave his hand early! Such a big fireball hit me, didn’t I turn into coke in an instant?
The shipbuilder and old Jackson were all shaking with their legs
"I’m sorry to intimidate you, but what I’m going to do is really important. I don’t want bad guys to get into my hands." Then Duke nodded and walked away with Wendell.
Duke didn’t go back to the house that Lothar gave him. Instead, he went straight back to the magic school guesthouse and asked Old Norton to borrow paper and pens.
Stand on the table and fix this piece of white paper, which is about the size of a2 paper. Duke picked up the quill pen that needs ink to write and silently started the system.
Unified indication ring
"drop! Auxiliary information such as "Drawing Method" and drawing software auad in the host memory has been detected … In the process of system optimization … the drawing auxiliary function has been completed! "
In Windsol’s surprised eyes, Duke drew a profile of a sailboat in less than ten minutes and handed it to Windsol.
"You keep this drawing. This is a five-coin road. I need you to go to Kurras. You can turn the craftsman’s house who has the ability to build a ship of this level for me … er, please go back to Stormwind. If I haven’t come back by then, you can put him in Losa Pavilion and give him to my room."
Windsol couldn’t understand the drawings, but he barely recognized the original owner’s name, which was recognized by the seven kingdoms of mankind and could be exchanged for gold in the main cities of the seven kingdoms. It was a respected old mage Norton.
"Psst-"Wendell gasped. It turned out that Duke was ready to make a big one with or without him!
Wende soldo asked, "What are you going to do at Marcus Pavilion?"
"Of course, it’s leveling. It’s practicing magic. At the same time, this investment is a preparatory work."
The mage world is not a big shot to ask. Although he is suspicious, Wendell is grateful to Duke for his trust in Thaksin. After all, it seems to him that five gold coins are a huge sum of money, which is enough for a small family to live a rich life for a generation.
I didn’t expect Duke to give him this huge sum without asking more questions.
"Well, please rest assured that Reginald Windsol will live up to your expectations."
Here, Duke hurried back to his home in Stormwind, and Lothar really valued him. His home is located in the garden area, which is already a villa according to the standards before crossing. At least there are two small gardens of about 10 square meters in tandem.
If you put a big city before crossing, it will definitely be millions of expensive real estate, but compared with those noble mansions, Stormwind is really ordinary.
Duke didn’t put his mind here.
Since it is destined to be destroyed by war, there is no good intention.
However, Duke’s investment soon reached the ears of another group of people with heart.
Farm Brando laughed on the spot when he heard that Duke had invested in shipbuilding.
"That idiot-incredibly to shipbuilding? There is nothing special to sell in Stormwind Root! We collect so many taxes every year, but they can be slaughtered by the profiteers in Kulars or even more damn fine … "

Lu Mi’s words didn’t finish. He stopped and quietly looked at the front Ye Yu, slightly stunned. He looked down her line of sight and found some familiar figures.

The talented science girl is at the corner of the road in front of the Kege teaching building at the moment. Judging from the position, she should have just left the experimental building and still look a little tired.
The long white coat cover perfectly shows the well-developed graceful figure, which makes the girl look even more beautiful, as if the white fairy slowly falls from the sky with indifference and calm that does not belong to people.
This is the rigid and indifferent imagination of Kege Senior Sister in public, and her face exudes let the right one in’s words.
It’s just like the mad scientist in the TV play
Kege senior looked at this side with the bag, and the pause was also the reason. So, it seems that these two people have sensed some strange information, and it is not smooth for them to communicate with each other in their eyes.
Ye You can’t see Lu You’s expression, but she can feel her body cold slightly and look at Kege’s senior. Her face is impatient and she quickly puts her eyes on Ye You.
"Yo, long time no see Ye Yan!" A high-pitched voice came to Koko’s face and smiled slowly.
Ye You was surprised by * *. I didn’t expect Ke Xuejie to say hello to herself. My heart was as happy as honey. I was ready to respond before I got there. As a result, I haven’t walked over yet. Liu Wei suddenly pulled him and stopped him from moving.
"Huh?" Ye You turned his head and looked puzzled at Liu Zhou.
Lu Mi’s cold eyes stared at Ye You and then moved to the oncoming Ke Ge. She said, "Long time no see, Ke Xuejie. How are you recently?"
Kege Senior stopped to look at Lu Mi’s hand, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and that smile soon disappeared. He said, "I’m fine if I’m not strong. What are you doing with Ye You? I just said hello to him. Didn’t you hear me? Or did you do it on purpose? "
So direct!
Ye Yan couldn’t help exclaiming that Kege’s elder sister’s speech was really straightforward, even though she had learned in the laboratory that speaking boldly, freely and casually was unexpectedly pleasing!
Of course, it’s normal for people to like such excellent people, but it’s really a bad thing if they hate her.
Just like Lu Zhou, her face is a little ugly now, but she didn’t let go of Ye You’s hand and said, "Senior misunderstood what you said. I naturally heard it when Ye You and I had something to deal with."
Ye Yan is very uncomfortable in the clip. I can’t say clearly that I can show a wry smile to Ke Xuejie.
"Is it a wave when he greets me? What do you mean? " Sister Ke Xuejie’s voice became deep and seemed unhappy.
Lu Zhou did not deny this situation, but smiled and said, "If Ke Xuejie has nothing to do, then we should go first. I have to tutor Ye Yan, so I won’t bother!"
With that, Lu Zhou threw herself away from the corners of her mouth and smiled smugly, which made people feel uncomfortable.
Behind him, Ke Xuejie shouted that Liu Wei had made a few steps forward and then symbolically stopped. Ye You also turned and looked towards Ke Kexue, always feeling that the two men were worse than the extreme.
Is this the daily life of the goddess? It’s horrible to look at each other and then all kinds of innuendo
Ke Xuejie’s expression became solemn and severe before blocking the two of them, and her eyes felt extremely oppressive. She said slowly, "Did you just say that you would help him with his homework-do you two live close?"
"No-"Lu Mi replied that Ke Xuejie seemed a little relieved, but then Lu Mi’s words made her face change.
"We don’t live very close, but I live in her house. Is there any problem with Ke Xuejie?" Lu Mi said with a straight face.
"You you unexpectedly * *?" Ke Xuejie showed a damn expression. Two strands of red hair in her ear kept shaking, and her body couldn’t help shivering. She pointed to Ye You and said, "Do you know this?"
Ye Yi and Lu Yi were surprised at the same time. Lu Yi looked at Ye Yi and wanted to find the answer, but Ye Yi was puzzled and asked in a low voice, "Ke Xuejie, what are you talking about? Lu Mi and I are not like that and what does this have to do with Korean paintings? "
This is really a mess!
Listening to Ye Yu explain that Ke Xuejie was relieved for a long time and her expression was calm and murmured, "It’s not that kind of ah-aren’t you very good in painting with Korea?" Have you not been in contact? "
The topic seems to have completely deviated from the right track. Ke Xuejie’s strange behavior is becoming more and more understandable by Yuzryha.
"No, no, we are ordinary, not what you think" is really strange. This is the second time Ye Yu has explained this question today. Do he and Han Huili look so P-conscious?
"Ha-ha, so that’s it. It seems that I misunderstood. You two seem to have a lot of feelings, but I didn’t expect you to know Lu Wei, which is a little surprising."
"I’m surprised, too. I didn’t expect that Ke Xuejie, who always has eyes higher than the top, also has friends. It seems that Ye Yu does have some bright spots."
Listening to the two people talking, Ye Yi feels that his brain seems to be running out. Ke Xuejie’s attitude has changed too much after seeing herself today. And Lu Yi, she actually pulled her wrist until now, which is too rare.
Soon after, Ke Xuejie waved her hand at Ye Yan and smiled. "Ye Yan, I’ll go first. Bye!"
Ye Yan waved at her and looked at each other’s clothes swaying gently in the breeze, feeling that the white coat was really handsome!
Next to Lu Zhou, she quickly threw Ye Yi’s hand out of her bag and wiped her hands and frowned. She said, "The rotten smell of rich fishy smell is so disgusting that you have to wear sterile gloves."
Ye Yu was hit hard, and even the residual fragrance in his hands became ugly.
"Hey, fish, I found that my evaluation of you seems a little too low. You do have some outstanding places hidden deep. You almost fooled me, huh? Otaku devil! "
Ear to Lu Qiu ponder sound turned her head, beautiful girl hanging eyes curious eyes looked at Ye You.
"I think you are an accidental lucky waste demon king, but it really surprises me that you are hiding a secret, not only with a humanoid demon king, but also with your sister, which makes people doubt your life experience. What I didn’t expect was that you knew Fu Yu and Ke Ge?"

Aunt Li and Aunt Zhao also laughed. "Master Li, get out quickly! It’s unlucky for a man to enter the delivery room! Fortunately, you are a noble person, and the delivery room has been cleaned up again. It won’t hinder anything for a while! Please go out quickly, and your wife should rest! "

High-handed will Li Fu out.
Even Fang Zhou opened his mouth and didn’t speak again, watching him go out.
Zhou nai smiled and sighed, "I know you two have a good relationship but you can’t be so careless!" You are too young to understand, and I forgot to tell you! It can’t be like this! "
As the saying goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, and even fangzhou will never challenge thousands of years’ inheritance of customs, rules and attitudes.
I quickly said that I was taught to smile apologetically. "I have remembered what my sister-in-law said. I am young and ignorant, so I will definitely not be like this!"
"That’s good!" Zhou smiled and nodded his head.
Aunt Li and Aunt Zhao asked her again if there was anything wrong with her. Would you like something to eat?
Seeing her illness, she smiled and let her rest, saying that she would move out of the delivery room early in the morning.
Even Fang Zhou "well" promised that she didn’t see her son and couldn’t help tearing Zhou’s sleeve and begging, "Good sister-in-law pushed the stroller to my side, ok? Good sister, that’s my son. I want him to stay with me! I think how close he is to my mother! "
No one can refuse this prayer. Zhou, Aunt Li and Aunt Zhao look at each other and sigh, "Well, let him follow you!"
With that, he ordered Chunxing to ask the nurse to get the baby stroller, and asked the little girl to get the nurse’s bedclothes, so he would spend the night in this delivery room couch.
Aunt Li also told her, "Madam, if you let the young master sleep in the stroller, you can avoid taking the young master to bed with your wife."
Even Fang Zhou looked puzzled at Aunt Li and Zhou.
Aunt Li coughed a smile apologetically. "The young master is still young. It would be bad if he touched the young master! The young master will not rest well when he is around! "
Even Fangzhou nodded and smiled and answered Zhou’s request, telling Chunxing again.
Even fangzhou will be white if she doesn’t feel too good at this time
The little baby is too small, too weak and so soft. If he falls asleep and presses himself, he won’t feel anything. If his head accidentally covers him, he may suffocate.
Such a child can bear everything passively, where can he hide anything?
At that time, even Fangzhou knew it well. No wonder there were reports from time to time in previous lives that a mother accidentally killed her child when she slept. At that time, she still felt incredible. She thought it must be that the mother was careless, careless and had no love for the child.
In fact, if an adult is so tired that he sleeps deeply, it is impossible for him to notice that he is pressing the soft baby.
The next day, even Fangzhou moved back to the bedroom after the porridge soup. Mrs. Zhang and Peach had met before with a smile.
Looking at Peach’s face overflowing with joy, even Fangzhou’s heart was warm. She talked and laughed with their mother and daughter for a long time and invited them to wash three times.
Mrs. Zhang and Peach agreed happily.
Mrs. Zhang was afraid to disturb her rest, so she took Peach to leave first, but she also knew that her identity was different now and she dared not say that she wanted to stay.
Then they sent away Aunt Li and Aunt Zhao’s family, and all the people also gave rewards. The whole house was beaming.
According to the rules, even Fangzhou can’t leave the house this month for fear of blowing wind.
Shampoo, too. Forget it. Let’s talk about it after the month.
After seven days, you can brush your body with hot water, but you can’t brush it every day for six or seven days. Li Fu specially wrote a prescription for the doctor who specializes in gynecology, and picked up three pairs of herbs to boil water and brush the body for the women in the month.
Eating should be cold, cold, spicy and greasy. All raw fruits and vegetables should not be drunk. At most, chicken soup should be cooked once every three days to replenish qi and blood.
Even Fangzhou had no objection to these rules and did them one by one.
However, she clearly remembers that her first cousin asked her husband’s family to do the same after she was born. At that time, she also muttered a few words with her mother about "old feudalism" and "old antiques"
Fruit was scolded by his mother for knocking on his head. "What old feudal antique? It should be! How can the ancestors be wrong when they come to the rules? Don’t talk to me about the West. We are from China, China and Westerners, so we are not the same race! We eat whole grains and people eat bread and drink milk! In the future, you have to come like this when you are married! Don’t be patient in the month and keep it well until you get old! If you regret crying to death, no one will care about you! "
At this time, after giving birth to a son, she somehow remembered her mother’s words, and the more she thought about them, the more reasonable she felt.
Aunt Li had also told Li Fu to let her sleep in separate rooms. She was too young to wait on her husband for 60 days. It would be better to separate these two months. After all, her husband is soft and young.
Even Fang Zhou freely promised at that time but did not agree with Li Fu.
Chunxing and Redjade asked her if she wanted to tidy up the wing for the master and come out for a temporary stay. Even Fangzhou didn’t give any words for the time being.
Later, Li Fu naturally went back to the bedroom, and even Fangzhou was happy.
He finally remembered to come back!
Even Fang Zhou just laughed. "Are you going back to your room to sleep? Aunt Li told me it would take at least two months-why don’t you go to sleep somewhere else? "
Li Fu robe outside has been solved to sit on the edge of the bed and twist a head to smile to her. "Do you think I’m so anxious? Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to hurt you! Don’t drive me away, okay? "
"…" Even Fang Zhou suddenly felt that his petty heart was really low. Chapter 89 Nightmare.
She wants to compensate for the guilt in her heart and wants to get up with a smile. Li Fu holds her and laughs. "Don’t get up and lie down and fall asleep! I will do it myself! "
It’s not easy to get up even if Fangzhou’s waist is sore before she has the strength to move-it’s even harder to get up than when she’s pregnant. It’s really harmful to have a baby
She will no longer insist on smiling. "Why don’t you get another bed?"? I am not very convenient! "
These days are the time to discharge lochia, which is the same as menstrual period. The amount in the first two days is even greater, and it will take nine or even twelve days to clean it up.
"All right!" Li Fu smiled and went to the front of the cabinet to open and take the thin quilt.
The next day, even Fang Zhou was lying on the bed with a thin chest covering, teasing Li Fu, the son, and sitting on the bench, they discussed what to name the son.
Nowadays, children are still young, and it takes at least a hundred days to get up, and there are many schools to get up.
Two people said a dozen names and both felt bad.
I always feel that there is no good name in this world worthy of my own baby to worry about two people.
Especially Li Fu left a right a always feel bad can always pick out a 123 fault to make even Fang Zhou angry slap in the nu way "this is it! Don’t change it! "
Zhou and Lian Fangqing just came in from the outside to hear this. Zhou was busy. "What’s going on! Sister in law, you can’t get angry in the month now, which will hurt your health for a generation! Third brother, you should be more considerate! "
Even Fang Zhou sat in the bedroom, even Ze, Li Yunhan couldn’t get in and out of Lian Ze’s spare time, so he could go to the east wing of the nursery to see his little nephew and play with him. Only Zhou Zhou and Lian Fangqing could get in and out of Lian Fang’s bedroom.
When Zhou’s words came out, Li Fu and Fang Zhou both laughed at each other.
Li Fu wry smile way "eldest sister-in-law, don’t say that she is now sitting on the moon, when do you think I dared to be angry with her before? I just dare not do it! "
Even Fang Zhou was busy and embarrassed to smile. "He didn’t care about me. We are talking about giving the baby a nickname!" " Complained, "He is not satisfied with anything I say!"
Li Fu distinguished, "I really feel bad!"
Lian Fangzhou took Zhou’s sleeve and said, "Sister-in-law, Qing ‘er, what’s wrong with your baby’s nickname?"
Even Fang Qingshui’s bright eyes blinked and smiled, and his eyebrows bent and nodded. "Good! OK! I think this name is very nice! It is also smooth to call! "
Zhou also laughed. "I feel good, too! What a sister-in-law came up with such a good name! The rising sun is a good sign! And this child was born in the early hours of the morning! How can the third brother feel bad? "
Li Fu picked his eyebrows and smiled. "I don’t think it’s bad. I just think it’s better if I think about it again!"
Speaking of Zhou’s "sloped" funny, even Fang Zhou told him to give a angry smile and look at Zhou’s eyes. That’s it! How to make people not angry?
Unique even Fang Qing cocked his head and thought for a moment and smiled. "I think what my brother-in-law said seems reasonable, but I still think Xu Er is very nice!"
Even Fang Zhou stared at Li Fuguo’s broken clappers. "Listen, we all agreed that it’s settled! You are not allowed to have an opinion! If you have another opinion, you will be angry with me! I am sitting on the moon! "
Li Fu and Zhou both laughed.
Li Fu laughed. "Be good and do as you please!"
Zhou carefully took the baby from Lian Fangzhou’s arms, and Lian Fangqing watched and teased the child with a smile. "We have a name, Xu Er Xiaoxu Er!"
To Li Fu laughed again. "If the third brother thinks it’s not good enough, Xu Er still has a name! It’s still a long way from a hundred days at this time! It’s enough for you, third brother, to think carefully about taking an excellent name! "

Dure that brewing proces, the strain is the best strain specially cultivated by Zhuang Da.

The first three have achieved the ultimate. Can the wine be worse?
A few drops of wine in the mouth of a rich bouquet are simply nectar and jade, which fascinates them.
"What kind of wine is this?"
"Shi, I have lived in vain for half a generation!"
"Can I call it wine before I drink it?"
Can this wine really be good enough to make them lose their cool?
Not really. After all, they haven’t had any wine. Never seen it?
After all, people’s senses are limited, and no matter how good this wine is, people’s feelings are limited.
But what the world can’t get is the most precious thing.
Dad Zhuang didn’t give them a drink, but this way of spilling it.
As precious as sowing showers.
Their brains amplified this little taste to the maximum.
Just now, the man in Dahu was tall and strong. He crowded the crowd and blocked the front. He opened his mouth and asked, "Who can tell me what kind of wine this is?" What kind of wine is it! "
"This is yellow rice wine" season after the old crowd smiled and looked at by the crowd in the village dad said.
"Yellow rice wine … state yellow rice wine?"
"Yes" Ji Lao smiled, but there were tears in his eyes.
Liquor and yellow rice wine are the two major wines in the state.
In fact, since ancient times, liquor is a low-end wine that people drink only because of the hard work of Liba people.
It’s not liquor. Whiskey, vodka, gin and so on are all low-end wines.
It is used to dispel cold, paralyze the body, disinfect and so on, and it was first used to supplement the nutrition of the crew.
Real nobles and literati drink low-alcohol wine.
Such as wine and yellow rice wine.
High-alcohol has only become popular in recent 100 years, and it is popular abroad because of the prevalence of cocktail culture. Spirits can be mixed with water and ice to mix with various drinks. How delicious and beautiful it is to play.
And the state was founded, and then the upper class was wiped out, leaving a group of mud legs, and then … the spicy and unpalatable white wine became the mainstream.
Since spirits are popular internationally, so are spirits in states. Why can’t spirits go on the international stage?
The answer is simple and cruel, and that’s because … white wine tastes bad!
The brewing process of liquor is very unique, and a large number of aldehydes will be produced, which will cause extremely stimulating and spicy taste.
Yes, pure alcohol is not spicy, but slightly sweet. What really makes liquor spicy is aldehydes.
Is the white wine delicious?
Yes, but most people can’t afford it.
Plus these decades, big wineries and big wine merchants are desperately advertising to make wine.
The famous wine has long been out of name.
The taste of liquor with the same price is almost beaten by foreign wine with the same price …
If it weren’t for expensive taxes, it is estimated that liquor would have been washed away long ago and you still want to go out of the world?
The most painful thing for Ji Lao is that these wine merchants did not see that liquor was facing a crisis, but instead hid in a small building to become unified, such as his undeserving brothers.
Of course, there are also some emerging wineries that are developing in the direction of brewing technology and taste, that is, brewing better wine.
Zhuang Da Zhuang wine is also yellow rice wine, not white wine, but if the state wine tube is yellow rice wine, white wine can go out, so it is good for the old man to give his face to recommend it crazily.
At this time, Ji Lao probably recognized Zhuang Dad.
No wonder dad Zhuang didn’t want to come to Fusang with himself. It turned out that he had already planned something.
It is …
How did this trick change?

Honour-giver is the needle of the reincarnation of the small universe.

If you want to honor the person, you can definitely destroy the energy incarnation of the three ethnic expeditionary forces and regain the lost will.
It’s a pity that the short-term honour person didn’t respond to him.
Although there was no response, it was cloudy and the superior troops came first to encircle the incarnation of the Daxi ethnic group’s energy light wing
This tactical theory is both theoretical and practical.
No matter how strong the meta-energy incarnation is, it can’t be stronger than the cloudy day in hell.
Cloudy days with the elite can definitely kill Yuan energy incarnation.
It is when the cloudy day comes with the four kings and two generals and other elites, and the Daxi clan yuan doesn’t retreat against the cloudy day, but hey hey sneer.
At the same moment, Daxi clan elements flicked their fingers to the grave, and a light beam of energy rose like a wolf’s smoke.
Looking at this soaring energy beam on a cloudy day, my heart suddenly has a bad feeling!
In just two seconds, a hazy holy light and green light suddenly shot like rolling thunder, and that speed was a few minutes faster than Ula’s.
In the holy light and the green light, the main energy of the Maya and the energy of the Eldar ancestors are in two places, and the Maya and the top and strongest Eldar all fall out of the light.
"Are they all together?" The holy father suddenly frowned. "Why are there four kings, two generals and three kings?"
"Maybe not to kill them first!
Besides, there is a big fish called cloudy day! "said the Lord black sun holy force busy.
Stayed on a cloudy day.
Looking at the Eldar, the Maya, the Daxi and the top strong people who surrounded them, they suddenly realized that it was not good.
Or aware of the crisis.
He has four kings and two generals on a cloudy day, and now he has become the prey of these three families.
These three want to chop them down like Yamaraja in the first ten halls and then devour their seals.
One person in a single pair is not afraid of cloudy days
But a pair of three cloudy days has a result-even the seal has been swallowed up!
Cloudy days react very quickly. At the first moment, they launched the great power of cloudy days, and took four kings and two generals to escape along the network cable.
It’s a pity that the three clans have gathered together for the planning week. Does he escape?
"The light shines everywhere in a cage!" The black sun’s holy light is in two places, and the milky white holy light is pouring out in an instant. On a cloudy day, the brilliance of the seal is steep, and the ghost king and the ghost commander are abruptly interrupted.
"venerable sir, help!"
At this moment, there is no image scruples on cloudy days!
Chapter one thousand three hundred and twenty-three Wolf ambition
On a cloudy day, the eyes of the public went directly to the underworld to ask for help from the venerable Buddha. What has already been completely ignored?
Of course, it’s not cloudy
But the Eldar, the Daxi, and the Maya are too horrible to be in two places at once.
This time, they are busy, but their own various means have brought the corresponding keepsake, which is very powerful.
It’s not that there is no body, and there is 70% combat power!
Of course, if these three bodies come over, it will be cloudy and there will be no chance to call for help.
Sitting in charge of the underworld for thousands of years on cloudy days, but without the limitation of the physical body, he can rise to the peak when he has the physical body at most
Theory of strength is worse than the three families.
It’s no surprise that these three besieged people were forced to ask for help on a cloudy day.
Then what will the venerable master do?
Kill Xu tui!
It’s a teleport around Xu’s retreat, but the venerable master is well-connected, and a golden hand is chasing Xu’s retreat in the void.
A few times, I almost got a refund.
Xu Retreat not only distorts the speed of light, but also urges the two great seals, the great power Guanghua, to stop a diamond pestle.
This is an attempt to make a retreat.

Everything that happened tonight seems to have an answer. It turned out that she was behind the scenes!

This statue of Yuan female emperor is really not underestimated!
Xu Yuanmo found himself surrounded here and stepped towards Zunyuan female emperor.
He wants to have a negotiation with the Zunyuan female emperor. Originally, he thought of the fierce spirit peak and then secretly inquired about the Zunyuan female emperor’s action.
And then try to save his wife. Now it seems that their feud will be settled face to face.
"It seems that the female emperor really worked hard to capture me alive here?"
"Take him alive?"
Zunyuan female emperor sat on Ma Weiran and smiled. "I never wanted to kill you."
"Oh, really?"
Xu yuan ink also issued a sneer at "that you today for this is meaning? You won’t bring so many people to meet us, will you? "
"Is to want to invite nine cabinet master to visit the floating frost fort. In addition, you should understand the bamboo poison for so many years. Do you really want to watch us all continue to be so bad? I show my sincerity. I brought twelve guards at the peak of Wu Ba. "
Incredibly, they are all at the peak of Wu Ba?
There is a fine line between the strength of the martial arts and the strength of the martial arts.
But it also needs an opportunity to break through the martial master.
I didn’t expect that after so many years, the Zunyuan female emperor is getting worse and worse.
She has so many wonders and talents in her hand, if she doesn’t dominate the whole Zunyuan country?
Xu Yuanmo’s eyes are cold. "Are you so excited because you want me to untie him?"
"Of course, I had this idea long ago that I never had a chance to add Jiuge’s subjective stubbornness. No matter what I say, you won’t agree. So I can come up with this plan and hope Jiuge’s owner will agree."
"What if I don’t want to?"
"Don’t want to? Then they all have to die! "
Zunyuan female emperor held her head high and gave a cold sound.
Her eyes flitted across their group.
Tang Luoling Yunlie day silence aside without saying anything.
The strength is not as strong as the other party’s strong statue of Yuan, but the female emperor released the strong coercion in that carriage, which made them feel strong and let alone speak.
Xu Yuanmo shook his fist. "Piao Shuang, can you ascend to the female throne? Do my family deny your support?"
Zunyuan female emperor didn’t speak, but nodded her head to admit that Hsu family really helped herself.
"Then you bite the hand that feeds you?"
Xu Yuanmo angrily accused her.
"If I want to bite the hand that feeds me, Jiugongge is gone, and you hurt my family, which is my only family. After so many years, he has been in a wheelchair for nearly 40 years. Shouldn’t it be paid off?"
Zunyuan female emperor said this with a smile on her face. After that, her two corners of her mouth still maintained the arc 1154. Chapter 1154 Female emperor 3
"Yes, you said you paid me off. I was imprisoned in Ghost Eye Gorge for more than eleven years. So what should the female emperor do?"
"Don’t say it’s so ugly that Ghost Eye Gorge is confined to save the lives of those people behind you. If you get rid of bamboo poison and let him recover as before, then I won’t have any more difficulties. You still have Jiugong Pavilion. I know you have your own residence in the wasteland. Can I give you all the wasteland?"
Eleven years’ imprisonment is enough. Will the children and grandchildren be safe?
Xu Yuanmo has clearly felt that Zunyuan female emperor is up to no good. "What you said is true?"
Zunyuan female emperor smiled and trembled with laughter. "Well, you have known me for so many years. Do you think I am telling the truth or lying?"
"That you first issued the imperial edict! Then I’ll go with you to the floating frost castle! "
Xu Yuanmo made his own demands.
"gee! What if you wait for an opportunity to tamper with bamboo after the imperial edict is issued? Anyway, we still need a hostage in my frost castle so that everyone can feel at ease, don’t we? "
Zunyuan female emperor lightly smiled and asked.
Xu Yuanmo blazing with anger stared at the Zunyuan female emperor intensely.
He has always been simple and honest, and his respect for the Yuan female emperor is definitely the strongest opponent he has ever met in this life.
Although the face of Zunyuan female emperor is not very clear in the night, her face expression is very cool and calm.
"Who do you want?"
"Just him!"
Zunyuan female emperor’s finger points to Tang Yu
Tang Luoling immediately came out. "No, my brother can’t go to Piaoshuangbao! If you want a hostage, I am willing to be a hostage! "
Zunyuan female emperor looked at Tang Luoling and then raised her eyebrows. "Who are you?"
"Tang Luoling Xu Yuanmo is my grandfather."
Tang Luoling answered bluntly.
Tang Yu is still young, and even if something happens less in Piaoshuangbao, she can still consult with her grandfather.
But if my grandfather and younger brother Tang Yu went to Piaoshuangbao, she couldn’t stay at Lieling Peak with peace of mind!
"Well, that’s you!"
"no! No! "
Xu Yuanmo refused him, but he could take the risk to die alone and accept his grandchildren to accompany him to die.
On accepting the respect for the yuan and the female emperor by other methods
Dawn in the east has gradually dawned, and the Zunyuan female emperor seems to have lost patience. "Lord Jiuge, this is my most sincere time. Do you really want to force me to make you all die?" I don’t think the owner of Jiuge is so cruel. He won’t even care about this relative, will he? "
A moment of silence when people talk.
"How have you thought about it?"
Zunyuan female emperor looked up and saw that it was already dawn, showing tiredness.
Great. Make a decision quickly. I have to hurry back to catch up on my sleep.
Xu Yuanmo saw that Tang Luoling nodded firmly at him and shook his fist. "I’ll go with you."
"Grandfather … sister!"
Tang Yu nervously took their hands and wanted to cry.

The border area between sabre state and sawtooth state

As we all know, many states in the eastern and central regions are simply local tyrants.
For example, Zhongmadao Prefecture is the best among them.
In the second World Cup, when the local tyrants in Sabre State were abused by the enemy, they put out their rings and put their hands over their mouths. The photos were simply the hottest expression packs.
That’s right. People in Sabre State are so local tyrants. Everyone is a Thanos fan.
Another state, Sawtooth State, is also a local tyrant.
They happened to host a World Cup football match.
These two States are adjacent to each other and located near the richest bay in the East China region.
Sabre state is vast in territory and abundant in resources; Sawtooth state is the richest in the eastern and central regions because of its superior geographical location.
However, the situation in the East and Central China is really unpredictable, just like a child’s play.
These two States have the same race and religion, and they have money and leisure, but they refuse to live a good life. When they are themselves, Thanos just wants to kill each other.
The Serava Canal Project is such a "dear John Canal".
In terms of land area, Saber Prefecture is much larger than Sawtooth Prefecture, which is like a granulation extending from the land of Saber Prefecture. It is a small peninsula, which is also a city-state level in terms of area.
The state of sabre, which is incompatible with its little friends, thought of a way to "cut off" the sawtooth state from itself
They want to build a canal 6 kilometers long and 3 meters wide to directly turn Sawtooth State into an island.
Since this plan came out, Sawtooth State has been a little honest immediately.
But a few days after being honest, Sawtooth State saw through that Sabre State was a virtual tension.
This huge canal project has been torn back and forth by both sides, and I don’t know how many people have been consumed, and how many people have died in their youth.
"We can do this project!" Zhuang said not far away, "The situation in East China is so tense recently. Let’s make an offer. If the price is right, Madao Prefecture will definitely be willing!"
"Sabre State is willing, but what about Sawtooth State?"
"We can quote them to build a bridge at the same time," Zhuang said not far away. "We can build more if one is not enough."
Feng Liangzhou doesn’t want to talk.
This is the so-called creating difficulties without difficulties?
Master Zhuang, what about your humanity?
Chapter 1161 So cute it must be a boy
In the manor, Daniel lay leisurely on the edge of large farmland in Green Island and gently wagged his tail.
Its head was once broken, and the corner was almost as long as the previous one.
If you don’t look at the root carefully, you can’t tell which of these two horns grew later.
And its head is covered with a small yellow flower, which looks particularly beautiful and somewhat holy.
It seems that it is quiet to lie there staring at the distance.
Several farmers nearby are tending the fields in the manor.
Except for Daniel, which is too large, it is simply an idyllic scene
With the farm work in the farmer’s manor, it’s not enough for Daniel to deal with it. There are some heavy jobs that Daniel needs to do. Recently, Daniel has been very leisurely. Take a closer look and see that his body has become thicker than before, in other words, he has become "fat"
Since Daniel’s head is full of flowers, it means that he is about to enter the "fifth order"

"I gave you a chance, and you didn’t say anything!" Lin Chengdong eyes without pity look directly pulled the trigger.

Two shots fired and Xiao Bo fell to the ground.
Lin Chengdong picked up the bloody purse and turned to run to the rear.
Qin Yu took the words and rushed to Chen Jun and said, "I can’t build a building, but you can check it!" He should be out of the area normally. Please ask someone to look for a record to see if he is with him! "
"That makes sense. My horse can be checked!" Jun Chen nodded.
Chapter 1273 Screening
Around abandoned water conservancy plant
Lin Chengdong was struggling to run back along the original road with two wallets in one hand.
A burst of footsteps at the entrance of the hutong came to Lin Chengdong and looked to the left. I saw Xiaoliang and Xiao Bo, two other brothers, running with meat stamps.
"When the fuck did you lead him to throw something away!" Xiao Bo brothers ran in front and looked back at Xiaoliang and shouted.
Lin chengdong hid the probe around the corner and glanced at several people, slowly raising their arms.
"Run this way. There’s an alley here!"
Two crisp shots ran up, and the front man’s chest was bleeding, and he fell on the spot, twitching all over, and his nose and mouth were bleeding. Obviously, he could not live.
"Lying in the trough!"
The man got a fright, panicked, stepped to the left and hid next to the building "Who’s in front?"? !”
Lin Chengdong didn’t answer, raised his arm and slammed the trigger in the male direction!
The male Tibetan building rushed back by the cement pile on the outside and kept shouting, "Xiao Liang shot him!" "
Lin chengdong held a gun to suppress the other side and suddenly shouted "Xiao Liang!"
Behind the small bright lug meat ticket heard Lin Chengdong shout some hesitation.
"Xiao Liang!" Lin chengdong shouted again
The two shouts made the people behind the hidden cement pile react. He panicked and looked behind him, raising his arm to prevent the small light.
Xiaoliang hesitated and took the lead in raising his arm and pulling the trigger at Xiao Bo’s last brother.
"Hey, hey!"
Several shots were fired, and the man was red with blood all over his body. His knees bent and he fell to his knees. "You … you are so fucking cruel!"
Lin Chengdong jumped out of the alley without looking. The man raised his arm and shot him in the head.
Xiaoliang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his eyes couldn’t bear to look at Xiao Bo’s brother, dragging the meat ticket back two steps. "Where’s Xiao Bo?"
"Let me kill" Lin Chengdong replied indifferently.
"… did you get the money?" Xiaoliang asked again
"Got it" Lin Chengdong nodded.
"Then … then let’s go."
"Go back and kill Awei!" Lin Chengdong answered succinctly while changing the magazine.
Xiao Liang heard this and sweated on his forehead. "Forget it! There are police officers behind the five of them chasing us back, which may not be enough! "
Lin Chengdong looked up at him. "Ah Wei and his police officers searched here because of the shooting, but it wasn’t me who called the police and said that there were people buying and selling illegal drugs here. Police officers are routine police officers, and there are not many people coming."
Xiaoliang was shocked
"You follow me with a meat ticket!" Lin chengdong said and walked back.
"Come on, let’s go! !” Xiaoliang growled and persuaded
Lin Chengdong looked back at Xiaoliang and said in his ear, "Police officers will turn against us if they can’t reach him! This is the kind of person who will have an accident one day. He will be the first to bite you and me! Do you want to keep running? ! What about the wife and children? "
Xiaoliang was shocked
Lin chengdong didn’t persuade him to sneak back quickly with a gun and found a hidden place. He didn’t hesitate to throw two bags of money in and hide it temporarily.
Jun Chen sat in the office and waited quietly.
"Didi Lingling!"
A word rang Jun Chen reached for the words and pressed the answer key "hello? !”
"Brother Jun, I found out that Lin Chengdong did have a record." The other party said succinctly, "There are two people with him, one is Xiao Bo and the other is Feng Liang!"
"Just three people?" Chen Jun asked
"I watched the surveillance video. After the three of them entered the hall, they got a car after they got out." The other party nodded.
Jun Chen frowned. "The five-zone gun case was a dozen people who fucked them for three cars."
The other side thought, "They are in violation of the law. Should all of them be separated from Lin Chengdong to find someone illegal?"
"Can I check the information of Xiao Bo and Feng Liang?" The other party asked actively.
"Be cautious," Chen Jun gently charged. "What’s going on over there in Lin Chengdong? Are we still unclear?"
"I see."
"That’s it!"
Say that finish two people ended the call.

"You peeked at me." On a cold night, I put all my hands on my lips and kissed them gently.

I still have genius to learn.
I cann’t think of it
Put an end to it
"You peeked at me." On a cold night, I put all my hands on my lips and kissed them gently.
Lin Fenfen was shy and wanted to withdraw his hand, but he held on tighter in the cold flame night, and there was no meaning at all.
Looking at the cold night, Lin Fenfen suddenly seemed to think that he didn’t seem to be reconciled with him. Before that, he ignored himself, and now he is so enthusiastic that he likes him. I don’t know if he likes himself. If he puts himself in, it’s not a loss. Thinking about Lin Fenfen like this, he decided tonight, so he took his hand out of the palm of the cold night.
Cold flame night wait for a while looked at Lin Fenfen, who had just been blushed by herself, and her face suddenly changed as if she were determined. Her expression was a little hard, which made the cold flame night a little uneasy. What’s wrong with this little girl?
Lin Fenfen lifted her quilt and sat up facing the cold flame night. The cold flame night also sat up with her. She looked at Lin Fenfen strangely and asked, "Is it uncomfortable?"
Lin Fenfen stared at the cold flame night for a long time and took a deep breath for several rounds. Finally, he made up his mind to say to the cold flame night, "I think we should slow down on the cold flame night and make some things clear."
The cold flame night was a little embarrassed by her seriousness, but she nodded very well.
Lin Fenfen took another deep breath and then said, "Well, I ask you why you did that to me two days ago." !” Ask Lin Fenfen what you want to ask most.
Cold flame night when I heard this question, the whole person was dazed. It just occurred to me that Lin Fenfen seemed to have accepted An Youchen’s confession, but it seems that my little girl still seems to have nothing to do with An Youchen, so he asked, "Then tell me what you and You Chen are first?" !” I didn’t consciously grasp Lin Fenfen’s arm when I said this.
I’m going to sign an appointment with another network next weekend.
After that, I will post the article on that website first.
Everyone doesn’t support this article.
Everybody support my net writing.
I will send a message board when the website arrives.
An Youchen-A Good Friend
Cold flame night when I heard this question, the whole person was dazed. It just occurred to me that Lin Fenfen seemed to have accepted An Youchen’s confession, but it seems that my little girl still seems to have nothing to do with An Youchen, so he asked, "Then tell me what you and You Chen are first?" !” I didn’t consciously grasp Lin Fenfen’s arm when I said this.
Lin Fenfen was caught by the cold flame night and broke free, saying, "You are escaping from the problem! ! !” He spoke with an expression of disgust.
"Tell me first what you and Youchen are?" Seeing that she didn’t answer, he was even more nervous. He followed the question closely and asked his eyes to reveal a little bit of nervousness.
Lin Fenfen saw this expression on his face for the first time and said "good friend" faintly.
"Good friends? ! Really good friends? !” The cold night seems to be iron-hearted, and this question is endless.
Lin Fenfen feels very strange. Why is the cold flame night so abnormal and keeps asking the same question? It’s not like his character. !
"Yes, they are good friends!" Lest cold flame night don’t believe Lin Fen powder also special zheng nodded.
"Good friend, good friend," said the cold flame night, unable to hold my heart and get excited. So my girl and Youchen are gone? My girl is still him! ! hahahaha
"That," cold flame night and thought of a problem that you didn’t see An Youchen and my little girl’s confession, and my little girl also said that she liked him … "That friend Chen and you confessed that you weren’t …"
"well? how do you know !” Lin Fenfen looked at the cold night with a confused face, as if he hadn’t told him. How did he know? !
Being asked by Lin Fenfen, the face was a little poor at night, and immediately said, "Didn’t you promise you this when you didn’t care about Youchen and your confession?" The root of the cold flame night didn’t see whether the forest powder behind it accepted An Youchen. It was purely a cold flame night that led to the forest powder automatically saying things.
I haven’t posted on another network so soon. If I speak, I will tell you as soon as possible.
I hope the hit rate in the first month is 150 thousand
Dear friends, please help me. In this case, Nai Nai will watch more shifts.
Little girl, I like you